
Celebrating “Supermoms” @ ID Integrated

In conjunction with Mother’s Day, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our “supermoms” in our office. Balancing between work and family life is never an easy task, so we are grateful for the hard work they’ve put in daily here in IDI and, it is recognized and greatly appreciated by the team.

We would also like to share their responses on managing time between work and family below:

While working at ID Integrated, I have the opportunity to grow and develop my skills. However, managing my responsibilities as a parent while also excelling in my career can be a significant challenge. I always keep in mind that my hard work in this field is for the benefit of my family. When faced with obstacles, I make sure to communicate with my children and explain that I’m working hard for their future. I prioritize spending time with my family, as they are my source of strength and motivation. At the same time, I strive to excel and thrive in my chosen career.

Christine, Business Development Director, IDI Singapore

Despite just recently joined IDI, I notice it is a very closely knitted company. People are friendly and supportive towards each other. Planning my day and task to do, that will allow me to stay focus to get things done. This helps and allows me to get home to join my family for dinner and enjoy our family walks at the park.

Vernise, Business Development Director, IDI Singapore

Out of millions of foreign talents here in Singapore, I am so grateful for being part of IDI. Actually, it’s not the company that keeps me motivated to work efficiently and effectively but it’s my family and the people around whom I work with.

I am a Mom who works currently away from my children. It’s physically, mentally, and emotionally difficult especially when I can only see them grow from a distance and most of the time missing out on important moments of their lives. However, to help me get through these hard times I just thought of by doing this or by working abroad, I may be able to provide them a better future. And to alleviate this mental stress and downhearted feeling, I do spend quality time with my family through regular video chats, it’s the best way I know to frequently hear from them and make them feel secure and in touch at all times.

Lanie, Business Development Manager, IDI Singapore

Working in IDI is awesome! Especially with the great colleagues here, we are like one close-knitted family. We work hard and play hard together. Time management is indeed a necessary factor for me to juggle work and spending time with my family. When I am at work, I usually communicate via video call with my kids during lunch break. I will then be informed of their day-to-day activities at school. Friday evenings and the whole of the weekends, are to be spent time with my kids only. I do not bring back work during these days. And I am glad to say that IDI has given me a great platform to juggle between work and with my family. I am a single mum with 2 boys and if I have to attend to any urgent matters, I do not need to think twice as my Boss, Teddy, always says “Don’t worry about work, attend to your kids first!”

Shah, Accounts Manager, IDI Singapore

It has been a fun experience working with IDI as I am grateful for being part of a supportive team. There are always ongoing tasks and submission deadlines, however, with supportive colleagues, I have no issues meeting my deadlines.
we also have Teddy as a supportive boss who prioritizes the employee’s welfare and ensures individuals work well together as a team Due to that, I can spend lots of quality time with my family especially on weekends as I do not need to stay overtime as often. Thus, my time with my family is not as affected as one might think, which I am grateful for.

Wendy, Contract Manager, IDI Singapore


It is an amazing experience in IDI working alongside professional and supportive colleagues. As a mother, my family supports me as I manage my time between spending time with my family and work. Thank you, IDI, for the appreciation and gift.

Diana, Head of Purchasing, IDI Indonesia

